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Ignoring him, I closed the door.
He was right. I would not always be around to protect her. The only way to keep her safe was to find out why Kieran wanted her.
Chapter Seven
Twilight has a way of sneaking up on you in the swamp.
As the day faded, my anxiety level went through the roof.
Dragging one of the old wooden chairs out to the porch, I settled in to wait for Mason. I was frantic with worry. As darkness gathered around the little shack, it was beginning to look as if I’d be spending another night in the swamp and I dreaded it.
But then I heard the low hum of an engine.
My heart skipped a beat.
Some of my anxiety faded when I saw Mason maneuvering a boat around some trees that protruded out over the water. A moment later, the engine went silent.
I flew down the stairs to greet him. When he stepped onto the dock, I totally lost control, throwing my arms around his neck and lightly brushing his lips with a kiss.
My reaction to seeing him again was a surprise, even to me. The moment I saw him, I felt as if a massive weight had lifted from my heart.
He was safe!
“I thought something might have happened to you, “I said, stepping away from him.
Wrapping his arms around my waist, he pulled me close. “Why do you do this to me, Claire?” he whispered in my ear.
Tilting my head back, I stared up at him. “Do what?” I asked, putting on an innocent smile.
He stared down at me with those stunning eyes that sent heat rushing through me whenever I looked into them.
Mason brought a hand up and gently caressed my cheeks with the back of his fingers. “You are as beautiful as you are innocent.”
My cheeks grew hot. Not only was I unaccustomed to being showered with compliments, but I wasn’t so sure how innocent I actually was, let alone beautiful.
“What did you find out?” I asked, changing the subject. “Did Kieran admit to his dirty little deed?”
Mason shook his head. “He didn’t deny it but he still hasn’t been forthcoming about what he wants with you.”
“So now what?”
“Will you take me to your vampire friend?” he asked, without answering my question.
This was troubling. Mason didn’t seem nearly as confident as he had last night.
“Now?” I asked.
He nodded. “We need more information.”
It was about time he started taking the rebels more seriously. Though, to be fair, I wasn’t even sure why I was taking them seriously, considering I didn’t really understand the first thing about them.
“Let’s go,” I told him. “I’m ready to get out of here.”
Our journey back to New Orleans seemed to take forever. Eventually, the lights of the city came into view. I directed Mason to the Waterfront District where Ax’s tattoo shop was located.
Slowing the car, Mason parked across the street from Dockside Body Art.
The lights were on, which I assumed was a good sign. At least Ax wouldn’t get a chance to sneak up on me like he had the last time I’d visited his shop.
Vampires were too damn sneaky, but to be fair, it was probably a trait they needed if they wanted to prey on humans.
Sneaky little suckers.
After switching the headlights off, Mason turned to me. “What the hell were you doing in a place like this, alone?”
“Working.” I shrugged. “In case you’ve forgotten, Wren was missing. My job happens to be finding people who have gone missing, especially if that missing person happens to be a friend and my boss.”
“If you say so,” he muttered before getting out of the car.
Wow! He was sure cranky.
I was going to mention his sour mood when I joined him on the sidewalk but he took my hand in his before I could say anything. Filing it away for later, I let him lead me to the shop’s entrance
When I opened the door and stepped inside, the shop appeared to be empty, but then I saw Ax lying on one of the chairs with his eyes closed.
“Ax,” I called his name, thinking he might be sleeping.
Did vampires sleep?
Another one of those things I didn’t know about vampires.
I added this to my checklist of things to ask Wren.
One of Ax’s eyes popped open. “Oh, bloody hell! Not you again! What is this, tempt a vampire week?”
It was then Ax noticed Mason standing behind me.
Jumping to his feet, Ax backed away; ready to flee at the first sign of movement from Mason. “Hey, I didn’t touch her. I swear!”
“Is that so?” Mason glared at him with a predator’s eyes.
“Well, okay,” Ax shrugged. “I may have asked for a bit of a taste, but she said no.”
“Relax. We’re not here because of that,” I told him. When I glanced back at Mason, I was surprised at the dark look he was giving Ax.
At least I hoped that wasn’t the reason for our visit.
Ax put on a sheepish grin. “Oh, in that case, how can I help you?”
“I want you to tell me what you know about this alleged secret of the vampire.” When Mason stepped closer, Ax took a step back.
“I told the girl what I know,” he insisted.
“Well, tell me. Where were you when you saw this person who showed you the secret valley?” Mason pushed. “I want more detail.”
“Like I told her,” Ax nodded toward me. “I was riding a motorcycle and saw this little guy walking on the side of the road.”
“Where at?” Mason asked.
“I was in Wyoming. It happened before I came out here to New Orleans,” Ax told him. “We were riding from California.”
Cocking his head to one side, Mason asked, “And how is it you did that, without becoming sick from the sun?”
“I would think we had to ride at night,” Ax said with a roll of his eyes.
“Can you take us to this place?”
“What for?” Ax frowned. “That little guy disappeared on me. I doubt we’ll find him years later.”
“Can you take us there or not?” Mason asked again.
“Well, yeah, I would think so.” Ax shrugged.
Mason’s eyes strayed to the image on Ax’s shoulder. “Why do you have that tattoo?”
Ax looked down at his shoulder. “It’s one of the things I saw when I was in that other place.”
“What do you mean?” Mason arched one dark brow.
“There were wolves there?” Ax told him. “Now I admit, what I saw was more of a vision than actually being there.”
“Now we have another one babbling about wolves,” Mason sighed.
“Hey wait! Do you know someone else who saw the wolves?” Ax asked.
Mason just smiled.
Ax folded his large arms. “I want to know more. You come in here asking all manner of questions but don’t want to give up any info. That’s not right.”
“Be ready to leave when we return,” Mason told him.
Ax tilted his head to one side. “I do need some notice. I have a business to run, you know.”
Mason looked around the empty tattoo shop and smiled. “I doubt I’ll have much advance notice myself. This could be dangerous, as you should well know.”
Ax nodded. “But I hate to tell you, I do just fine in my business. Just because no one is here right now.”
A smile was tugging at the corners of Mason’s mouth, but he didn’t contradict the other vampire.
“Don’t say a word to anyone,” Mason warned.
Ax brought his fingers up and made a zipping motion over his lips. “As silent as the grave, if you know what I mean? We are, in a way dead, aren’t we?”
“Yeah.” Mason smiled darkly.
Ax walked to his refrigerator and pulled out another one of his bags of red fluid. “Care to try some of my recipe?” he asked, holding up the bag so that Mason could see it.
“What is that stuff?”
I just stood bac
k and smiled; anxious to hear Ax’s sales spiel.
“Well, this stuff is made from animal blood and other proteins. It tastes great cold and will keep for days. This recipe could really improve the reputation of the vampire.”
Mason’s mouth twisted and he shook his head. “I think I’ll pass, but good luck with that.”
“Hey, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.” Ax was offended.
“Be ready,” Mason told him before turning to leave.
“Bye,” I said over my shoulder.
“You know, girl, it really is bad practice to chill with vampires,” Ax called out as we were leaving. “It’s hard to tell when one will turn on you. Ask me about it. I know. That’s what happened to me.”
I waved. “Thanks for the advice, Ax.”
Outside, Mason looked at me. “He’s right. Getting too close to vampires isn’t a good idea.”
I threaded my fingers through his. “I think I’ll take my chances.”
Chapter Eight
Mason pulled up in front of my apartment. “I’ll walk you in.”
“Will they come after me here, if I’m alone?” I asked, not quite ready to say goodbye yet.
Mason smiled. “You’ll be okay. Before, I had to hide the fact that I was helping you. Now they know so it doesn’t matter. For some reason, I don’t think Kieran wants to come after you directly.”
I drew my brows together. “That doesn’t make sense. Isn’t he this massively old and powerful vampire?”
Mason nodded. “Since I can’t read Kieran, I can’t be sure why he can’t or won’t come after you, but I believe it has something to do with this secret he is hiding.”
“So you think Wren is right about a hidden valley and a grand secret to the origins of the vampire?”
Mason shrugged. “I don’t know but from Kieran’s reaction when I confronted him about it, I think he believes it’s real.”
I turned to stare out the car window. My thoughts went to the dream I’d had.
For some reason, I felt compelled to tell Mason about it but thought it would be better to wait until I’d talked to my mother.
Just who was the dark man?
That’s what I’d called him when I was a kid. He’d seemed so dark.
“When will I hear from you again?” I asked, turning back to Mason.
“Soon.” He was evasive, which made me nervous.
Turning away, he opened the door and got out. I didn’t wait for him to walk around the car to open my door.
He could practice his gentlemanly manners later. Right now, I felt the need to assert some independence. I was tired of feeling like some whimpering girl who constantly needed saving.
It was nice to know he would save me, but I wanted to have the ability to save myself. I wanted to be an asset to this situation, not a liability.
Mason followed me up the stairs to my apartment, staying only a few steps behind me. I wanted to ask him to stay, but I got the impression he was preoccupied. Whatever was on his mind, he wasn’t sharing it with me.
“Thank you for everything you’re doing,” I told him when we reached the door.
Mason placed his fingers under my chin and lifted it so that I was looking into his eyes.
“I know you want me to come in, but that could lead to things we might regret.”
My tongue felt as heavy as a brick so I said nothing.
He was right. I wanted him to come in, and I wanted so much more.
Mason brushed my lips with a kiss. “I hope you know it isn’t because I don’t want to.”
His nearness already had me trembling. My desire for him was so overwhelming that it was sometimes difficult to control. I was becoming the same as the rest of his groupies.
“I’m okay.” It was an outright lie, but the last thing I wanted to do was admit that I wanted him and that his rejection hurt.
Mason backed away. “I’ll see you soon,” he told me before disappearing down the stairs.
When he was gone, I let myself in, shutting and locking the door behind me.
My empty apartment felt lonely. Being alone usually didn’t bother me, but tonight I noticed the emptiness. It was so quiet, I could actually hear my own heart beating.
I eyed the door, half tempted to pay a visit to my next-door neighbor, but I doubted Miss Avalon would be awake at four in the morning.
One thing was certain. If I kept hanging around vampires, my sleeping habits would have to change dramatically.
Chapter Nine
Prowling the dark streets of the city, I kept watch for the night’s prey.
I was weak. I hadn’t been feeding well, not since meeting Miss Claire Benolt.
Everything about my world had been in disarray since I set eyes on her. No matter how I tried, I couldn’t seem to get her out of my head.
Kieran wanted her in a bad way. So much so, he was willing to talk about the ancient truths of the vampire.
But why couldn’t he just go get her?
That’s what really had me curious.
I’d told Kieran that I would think about his offer, but that had been to buy time. I needed time to figure out what was really going on.
From the corner of my eye, I spotted a tall figure stumble into an alley.
Leaning against a brick wall, the man slid to the ground. He was obviously in a drunken stupor. His state of drunkenness would make him easy prey. I hated to feed on those who were too fond of drink, but there was one advantage; subduing them took little effort.
Switching off the headlights, I pulled into the narrow alley. The man was sitting with his back against the brick wall and appeared to be unconscious. I walked toward him, my feet hitting the pavement so softly that I made no sound. Kneeling in front of the man, I tapped the guy’s face softly. The old man looked up at me, his eyes sad and miserable.
“Are you happy with your life?” I asked.
He shook his head.
“I can end all of your suffering.”
Noticing the light of the vampire in my eyes, he recoiled.
My fangs came out.
My would-be victim’s eyes widened with terror as he tried to get away, but was so drunk that he fell to his side, hitting his head on the pavement.
I froze.
The hunger gnawing at me was relentless, but so was the terror in the man’s eyes. The drunk had known suffering and sorrow. Death would likely be a welcome relief, but I couldn’t do it. I kept seeing the warmth in Claire’s eyes.
Did she realize what kind of monster I was?
When I backed away, the man was visibly relieved.
“I guess I will find a goat or something,” I mumbled out loud.
Deep laughter emanated from the darkness behind me.
Although I was going soft, I wasn’t quite there yet. I swung around to face whoever was stupid enough to sneak up on a vampire.
“A vampire with a conscience,” the intruder laughed. “Now that’s something unusual.” The figure that stepped out of the shadows wore all black.
The man’s gray eyes glistened beneath the streetlight and I knew right away they weren’t the eyes of a human. He was middle-aged. This was apparent with the speckling of gray in his dark hair.
It was then that the scent of the wolf hit me full force. Snarling, I drew my lips back to reveal my fangs.
The man’s eyes instantly changed, taking on a golden-yellow light. For just a moment, I saw the stranger’s features twist and merge with the wolf, but then it was gone.
“I knew if I followed you around long enough that your true nature would rear its ugly head,” the wolf said. “So many of you are scavengers these days.”
I would have attacked right then and there but the man held up his hand. “Don’t take such offense. Why not look for the truth in what I’ve said?”
“What is it you want?” I asked, still glaring at him.
“I want nothing more than to protect my family.”
does that have to do with me? Who are you?”
“My name is Lance and I think that maybe we can help each other,” he said.
“You are the one who went to Wren.” I voiced my suspicion.
“Yes. I saw him and knew he could be useful. He is a vampire masquerading as a human. He hasn’t yet accepted his fate.”
“I still don’t understand. What do you want from me?” I asked again, not yet ready to trust the wolf.
“Kieran is a danger to my family and he is a danger to your kind. He must be stopped, but I cannot do it alone,” Lance explained.
“What do you know of the secrets of the vampire?” I asked.
“Kieran can tell you whatever you want to know about this.”
“Does this magical hidden valley really exist?”
“Oh yes, I assure you, it exists.” Lance nodded.
“Then take me to it.”
“That is not something I can do.” He shook his head. “I have been banished from Shadow Valley.”
“But you can tell me how to get to it,” I insisted.
“I could, but it wouldn’t do you any good. Few vampires are permitted entry. As far as I know, Kieran is one of the few vampires who can find the entrances. Shadow Valley is much like the world you have come to know,” he said with a sweep of his hand. “But at the same time, it is different. The valley is a haven for supernatural beings that have been hidden from humans for generations. They want to keep it like that.”
“Why would Kieran keep this information from us?” I asked.
“That is something you must ask him. I know no more than the legends myself. What I do know is that Kieran will kill my granddaughter if given a chance.”
“Who is that?” I asked, wondering if he was talking about Claire.
“It doesn’t matter who she is, but I intend to make sure he never gets to her.”
“Is it Claire?”
A thought suddenly occurred to me.
Maybe this was why Kieran wanted Claire.
Lance shook his head. “It is not Miss Benolt, though she is also in grave danger.”
“So what do you want me to do, kill one of my own kind for the likes of a wolf?” I sneered.
“He hides the truth of the vampires. As long as he is allowed to do this, he will be a danger to my granddaughter, and to your young lady. He wants to keep the truth hidden. As long as they live, he risks the truth being revealed.”